Social Media, Groups Or Pages; Which Is Best?

When Social Media started in 1997, there wasn’t much to it. It started to get its rise in the early 2000s — when the first big-idea(s) regarding the power of online networking started and was in its infancy. In fact, there were many great ideas that came across the social media platforms at the time. …

10 Reasons Why Social Media Should Be Important To You

10 Reasons Why Social Media Is Important to Your Company…  according to For companies not already on – or forced by prospects and customers to be on – the leading edge of social media, there’s often a prevalent question about what value social media has. From the range of being seen as an untapped …

Social Media Scams and Hoaxes

Social Media scams and hoaxes come around every year and unfortunately, unsuspecting Social Media users are perpetuating and helping spread these erroneous tales. Who Are Creating These Social Media Scams and Hoaxes? Unfortunately, with tremendous popularity, also comes a dark side. Virus writers and other cybercriminals go where the numbers are and the most popular Social …

Accelerate Your Social Media – 5-Key Things That You Should Be Doing

Social media has confused many businesses and organizations over the past few years. Most get that they have to provide meaty, relevant content, but too many are not using proven engagement strategies that could significantly raise the success level of organically hitting a wider audience. Discover the 5-key things you should be doing within your social …

Social Media Marketing

SERVICES OFFERED:  Social Media Marketing FORMATS, PLATFORMS, and LANGUAGES: Languages Include English Only Social Media Marketing Includes LinkedIn; Facebook; Twitter; Yelp; Instagram; and Pinterest WHAT CORTEX DOES: We do it for you, hold your hand, or let you create Social Media posts or full campaigns on your own. Discover the secret of conversion marketing copywriting and …

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