If you are looking for a way to scale up your marketing to have an edge, digital marketing trends help you understand what you don’t want to leave out of some digital marketing tactics. As more consumers continue to make their journeys online to make purchases, knowing how best to utilize the digital marketing strategies available could prove to be most potent at making the best out of the growing digital marketing opportunity. According to the folks at Serpwatch, 48% of consumers start their mobile research with a search engine.
To further highlight the rate of adoption of digital marketing trends, 64% of consumers say that watching a marketing video has influenced their purchase decision in the last month.
The main goal in digital marketing trends is basically a particular form of user action which could be to register on your website or buy a product.
However, owning a small business limits your reach to the area in which the business exists and those who become acquainted with the brand via word of mouth. Exploring digital marketing trends, on the other hand, increases reach. Companies that blog receive 97% more links to their website.
Digital marketing trends can offer your business some benefits. Here are some of them.
- Monitoring of efforts: When carrying out digital marketing, you are able to track your efforts to find out exactly how effective your campaigns are across all media from the very moment a user visits your website, down to when they leave, and even further. By tracking your digital marketing campaigns, you get to see which trends are working and which are not so that you can tailor your campaigns to greater success. This is a clear plus over offline advertising media.
- Increase revenue: Within a few months or weeks, it is okay to say that your revenue would increase. However, you must consider every factor so that you stay right on track.
- Have a level playing ground: Often, it is difficult for small businesses to compete with their bigger counterparts. Digital marketing eliminates this barrier and places your business in a position to compete online, both nationally and internationally.
- Target your ideal prospects: With digital marketing trends, you can be sure that the right prospects are viewing your content. SEO offers you the opportunity to reach prospects who are searching the web for content related to your business. Digital marketing trends allow you to target consumers who are likely to be interested in your content.
- Cost-effectiveness: Another plus for digital marketing trends is that they provide an inexpensive marketing stretch that can be adopted by any start-up or existing business. Here, companies of all sizes can take up affordable options for marketing and advertising their businesses. This can often result in a higher return on investment.
Final note
Digital marketing trends presents itself as essential requirements for any business that wants to do very well for itself. If you are not taking advantage of the myriad of opportunities presented by digital marketing trends, you are cheating yourself out of the chance to grow your business online.
Bottom line, digital marketing trends help you focus on a successful online presence, however, the first steps to good SEO, is having a conversation. Contact us today to discover how your business could do better online. Phone chats are always free at 1-888-502-3523 or set up a meeting via our online calendar.
If you would like to support the author of this blog, you can visit Josh Wardini on his LinkedIn page, or visit his site. Josh is a long-time digital marketer with a focus on SEO. A Python enthusiast scratching the surface of deep learning, machine learning and narrow AI. Based in Portland, Oregon 3 months per year, inspired by Anthony Bourdain to stay in transit the remainder.

Everything we do in business is surrounded by the messages that we put out, however, most of us — if not all of us — did not get into business to write about it. I’m William Dickinson, owner of Cortex Marketing and I specialize in creating compelling content and engaging marketing when business owners find it difficult to create it themselves.
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