Emotional Selling and Why It Works

If you are new to sales & marketing or even someone with some experience under your belt, emotional selling is much more prevalent than you have likely ever realized. In fact, the more you learn about emotional selling, the more you will discover that this is a lighter form of apophenia, a condition where one …

Website, Web Application & Phone App

Website, Web Application & Phone App — Understanding the Evolution of the Web & Mobile Technology Original article  by Jason Runyan, Advertising Solutions Many people often wonder about the differences between a website, a web application, and a phone app. While these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, it’s important to note that there are distinct …

The 5 Hidden Triggers That Influence Why People Buy

The 5 hidden triggers that influence why most people buy. Have you ever wondered why you purchase the products you do? It’s not always because you need or even want them, right? In fact, you — like all humans — are driven by triggers that you’re not even aware of. From a brain science perspective, …

New Clients & How To Attract Them

New Clients are crucial to any business. In fact, the need continually needing new sales (or new clients) is was what started the “planned obsolescence” movement. However, I find that to be unfriendly. New Clients and Planned Obsolescence In the planned obsolescence business strategy, if you control a significant market share, you can rely on …

Decision Making And How We Actually Make Decisions

Decision-making —  how do we actually do it? Most perceive it as an exercise in analyzing and logically approaching problems, and in some respects, that is true. However, the fact is, there is a lot of science behind the process we go through. For many in business, it has been thought that marketing your product …

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