Your Target Audience May Not Be Aligned With Your Marketing

Ahhh, the ol’ “Who’s your target audience? question — I used to hate this question early on in my career, but I have come to realize that that question is part of a set of the most essential questions in marketing; it is, at the end of the day, all about knowing your audience. Do …

Five Marketing Emails That Every Online Business Needs to Send

In a recent survey, when customers were asked why they would unsubscribe from emails, most of them said they were getting too many irrelevant and repetitive emails in their inbox. So if you’re sending lots of emails about sales without much substance, then we’re sorry to tell you that it’s not the customer that caused …

About — The Right Message, At The Right Time

My most successful clients are small to medium businesses that are struggling to explain themselves to potential new clients, generate new leads, and acquire new customers through their marketing efforts. I specialize and work with my clients to generate a lift in new-business engagement through emails, blogging, and other relevant campaigns. We do this by …

Accelerate Your Social Media – 5-Key Things That You Should Be Doing

Social media has confused many businesses and organizations over the past few years. Most get that they have to provide meaty, relevant content, but too many are not using proven engagement strategies that could significantly raise the success level of organically hitting a wider audience. Discover the 5-key things you should be doing within your social …

Your Best Asset Is Your Ability To Sell Yourself

“Sell yourself” is such a ubiquitous term. Even as I say it, at least one of you is saying: “I don’t get it.”. That is because I believe that the ‘end goal’ is selling, not selling yourself. The approach on how to sell yourself should be more marketing methodology than in the sales methodology in …

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