Message From The President — May 2017

This Month’s Topic: “What drives the conversion of a web site visitor?”

President’s Message for May 2017

The conversion of a web site visitor is a challenge for many, however when you follow some basic proven marketing principles, your site will deliver the results you desire — and the shift to an increased lead source can sometimes happen overnight!

The Conversion Heuristic
MECLabs Conversion Heuristic —

All consumers & buyers are influenced by individual words, not whole phrases or sentences. Furthermore, certain words are more influential than others and as such, they guarantee better results because they simply resonate louder in their general relevance, value and proven effectiveness in generating interest and engagement.

For those of you familiar with the codifying geniuses over at WiderFunnel, their “Lift” model goes something like this: Create a strong value proposition, relevant to your target, and ensure there is lots of clarity within your message, and your overall conversion will have a lift in generating more new leads for your business.

That all said, they also say that there are two things to avoid: “creating a distraction” or “anxiety within your message”. Those two conversion kills are to be minimized at every opportunity. In fact, it is proven that you will have more success by saying less to the target for this stage of the funnel.

Funnel And Message Timeline
For this stage of the funnel, a website visitor may be aware that they have a need or a problem; and they even may be aware that there is a solution available, but they are still looking for who’s business will be the right fit for them.

Discover the ease of writing the right marketing copy, delivered at the right time. Once you know the secret, you’ll save time and money in all your Marketing! [read about the science of copywriting]

Get this month’s free download: “The 12 Most Influential Words in The English Language”.

Copywriting isn’t Just an Art, It’s a Science.

Copywriting can seem like a massive obstacle, but it doesn’t have to be that way!

Copywriting Science With Cortex Marketing

Here are five quick copywriting tips that you’ll be able to use to get your message across to visitors quickly and painlessly:

  1. Keep your copywriting headlines short, sweet and persuasive — this will show visitors what they will gain by continuing to read on. 
  2. Good marketing copy is focused on your reader’s needs, such as their wants, their fears, their problems, etc.; sales copy is focused on EVERYTHING you do i.e. your product’s features, your company, your offer, etc..
  3. Use bullet points to get your message across; keep your message simple and hold on to your reader’s attention by being as concise as possible.
  4. Use statistics, numbers, testimonials, and quotes from experts to demonstrate your claims about your product or service, and win over your readers. 
  5. In your call to action, keep it clear, compelling and tell your audience exactly what to do next.
Painless, right?  Let’s talk more about your message and how small changes can make a big difference.
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