The 5 Hidden Triggers That Influence Why People Buy

Influential Trigger Circle | 5 hidden triggers that influenceThe 5 hidden triggers that influence why most people buy. Have you ever wondered why you purchase the products you do?

It’s not always because you need or even want them, right? In fact, you — like all humans — are driven by triggers that you’re not even aware of. From a brain science perspective, thoughts come first, feelings second, and behaviours finish out the process. That’s why marketing and advertising campaigns are designed to appeal to your emotions; your emotions control your behaviours.

So by understanding these triggers, you can begin to see through the persuasion techniques used by businesses and make more mindful decisions about your purchases.

1. Scarcity: The fear of missing out is a powerful motivator. When a product or service is presented as limited or exclusive, it creates a sense of urgency to act fast before it’s too late.

2. Social proof: We are highly influenced by the behaviours and opinions of those around us. When a product is endorsed by a celebrity, has positive reviews or testimonials, or is recommended by friends, we are more likely to trust and buy it.

3. Authority: We tend to trust and follow the guidance of those who are seen as experts or authority figures. Products endorsed by doctors, scientists, or professionals are often more appealing to customers.

4. Reciprocity: Human beings have a natural tendency to return favours and repay kindness. When a company offers a free sample or gift, it creates a sense of obligation to reciprocate by buying the product.

5. Emotion: Marketing campaigns often appeal to our emotions to create a connection with the product. Ads that evoke feelings of joy, love, or nostalgia can trigger a desire to own the product and experience those emotions again.

By being aware of these 5 hidden triggers that influence, consumers can make more informed decisions about what they buy and why. Instead of falling prey to marketing gimmicks, we can choose products that truly align with our values and needs. This also works to the advantage of a business, as the better you know your customers, the better your marketing will be!

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William Dickinson

Everything we do in business is surrounded by the messages that we put out, however, most of us — if not all of us — did not get into business to write about it. I’m William Dickinson, owner of Cortex Marketing and I specialize in creating compelling content and engaging marketing when business owners find it difficult to create it themselves.

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