Decision Making And How We Actually Make Decisions

Multiple Choice Decision MakingDecision-making —  how do we actually do it? Most perceive it as an exercise in analyzing and logically approaching problems, and in some respects, that is true. However, the fact is, there is a lot of science behind the process we go through.

For many in business, it has been thought that marketing your product was a psychological game, and as such, for many years people marketed their products based upon the selling of an idea. Just give ’em more information and they will eventually buy, right?

What we have found out, however, is that people do not make their decisions based upon what they know. In fact, if you give them too much information, they won’t be able to make a decision and your sale will fail because the buyer will go into “choice paralysis” and not be confident about their decision. 

What is choice paralysis?

Have you ever been shopping in a store only to approach a sample table and on that table is a sample of jellies? There’s a very definite scientific methodology about the way that they display these jellies. Notice they never give you a choice of more than three or four if they want you to actually choose your favourite. This is because, over the number of three, the typical human will have “Choice Paralysis”

Choice paralysis in Decision MakingAlso known as over choice, choice paralysis, or the paradox of choice describes how people get overwhelmed when they are presented with a large number of options to choose from. While we tend to assume that more choice is a good thing, in many cases, research has shown that we have a harder time choosing from a larger array of options.

So decision making works how, again?

It’s important to understand that all decisions involve emotions. In fact, every decision that you make is about your emotions. You can use certain words to make people feel confident within their decisions, however, it will always boil down to emotions.  In this way, it’s a bad idea to provide more than four options to choose from with anything that you do.

Emotions In Decision MakingDecisions are not made from an informational or rational point of view.

We’d like to think that we are rational and logical animals and that when we make a decision we carefully weigh all the options. However, research has shown that the truth behind it all is actually counterintuitive. There are literally hundreds of decisions that we make every day, and while the information that we possess does influence those decisions, 100% of those decisions are based upon the feeling that we get from the knowledge that we understand and how that understanding makes us feel a certain way.

Most of our decision-making is unconscious.

Neurological research shows that activity while making a decision, researchers were able to predict what choice people make 7 to 10 seconds before they themselves are even aware of having made a decision. STUDY SOURCE: Unconscious determinants of free decisions in the human brain. Nature neuroscience.

“Do you write your messaging and content to appeal to logical thinking? If so, it’s possible and even probable that your logical, persuasive arguments to your target audience about why they should go with the premium service or why they should purchase a particular product may be in vain.” ~ Susan Weinschenk, Ph. D.

Is there ever a time that our decision-making is making “rational decisions”?

The short answer is no. If you can’t feel emotions, then you can’t make decisions. This is largely thanks to our Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex… we’ll just call it the “VPC” for now, but science calls it the vmPFC.

Essentially, in the front of your brain lies the prefrontal cortex and within that is the VPC. It’s important in regulating fear, while other parts of your brain — specifically the amygdala — tells you when you should be afraid and what you should be afraid of. So if you’ve ever heard the term “fight or flight” that is a direct reference to the functions of your amygdala. 

This is all within the limbic system, a collection of regions of the brain that specifically regulate emotions. And people decide when they feel varying emotions. They buy when they feel confident and do not buy when they don’t.

The science behind decision making.

According to researchers, there is a neuron that fires in the brain that triggers people to take action. Then the brain decides whether it is a confident action or not. This subjectivity is not based on the amount of information you have, it is based on a feeling you have… in this case, “confidence” or “no confidence”.

So, in business sales, if you want people to take positive action and buy what you are selling, you must be able to make them feel confident.

What Decision Making Looks Like

So is the information you know weighing heavier in the influence of a decision?

The answer is yes. In business sales, there’s an old adage that says only give more information to people if they’re making a goal-based decision. And while all decisions are made from our emotions, there are surely different levels that this takes place. 

As an example, some decisions are made in the Orbital Frontal Cortex or OFC, so during the times that you are looking for solving a goal-based decision or value-based decisions, your heavy emotional decision making has mostly been done; all you were deciding upon now some of the more habitual details e.g. you like white better than black, or foods with less salt, etc. 

So in closing…

People liked having more choices to choose from but they were more satisfied with their choice when there was less to choose from. Silly humans, let’s have a chat.

Networking and Answering “So, what do you do?”

Networking. How do you do it effectively; and “what is the importance of being able to answer the question, “So, what do you do?” in a concise and interesting way?” queries and answers the team at Shepa Learning Company.

“Here’s an example: you are at a company reception with your significant other (who is off talking to someone else) and the person next to you asks what your partner does for a living. You should be prepared, rather than fumbling around for an answer.

“She works at an analytics/data company. I don’t really understand exactly what she does. It’s complex, algorithms and all that.” This is not a good answer.

“Stephanie is a data scientist with Meto Technologies. She designs machine learning models. Major brands use her models to accurately predict a customer’s next purchase. She’s a math wizard.”

The latter answer makes you look smart too. :)” ~ Shepa Learning Company

Networking To Sell

Further, being clear with your messaging makes it easier to sell. If you can connect with the emotional relevance, you will have a much higher close rate with your prospects.

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” ~ Simon Sinek

Networking with Cortex Marketing

Networking Is An Art

Networking is an art because it requires imagination. In-person interaction — not social networking, which is a chapter by itself and complementary to in-person networking — is an indisputably critical part in the hunt, and it’s easy to make mistakes.

“Building a network that works is both an art and a science. It is an art in that it requires basic human skills in communication, connection, authenticity and the ability to be ‘in the present’ and engaged with people and conversation. Building a network strategically requires an ongoing analysis and audit of the people within the network and a sustained curiosity around the levels of diversity and connectivity within the group. It’s about seeing the lines that connect people and ideas to create opportunity.” ~ Janine Garner, entrepreneur and Fortune 500 mentor and author

Networking With Me

I love making new connections. You can find me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook… not to mention that I always ask people to connect with me outside social networks, or simply be bold and call me direct at 1-888-502-3523.

Cheers to your success!

Top 5 Ways Marketing Professionals Help Your Business

Here Is Another Top 5 List To Help Your Business Grow!

Marketing ProfessionalsOkay, this will be a bold statement: “Marketing professionals are the unsung heroes of the business world.” There I said it. There is no glory, no fanfare, and no one — for the most part — understands what we do to help their business.

I am hoping to change some of that with this post!

So, Why Do Marketing Professionals So Often Get Ignored?

Marketing Professionals Know No Customers Equals No BusinessIn today’s world, the act of marketing often gets confused with sales, and while the act of sales is important and ultimately the end result, they are two very different methodologies.

Many businesses operate based on “sales-out-the-door” — and they should — as, without sales, there would be no business. However, what is driving the lead conversions to the sales team is the creative methodologies of your marketing team.

That all said, here in the information age — as it has been for hundreds of years before — the way business marketing is done can be the difference between success and failure in bringing in quality prospects to whom to sell your service or widget.

Marketing Professionals Feeling Ignored

Marketing Professionals Know That It Has Always Been This Way!

In fact, today’s funnel has been completely flipped on its head, finally giving validity to the power of not only the deliverance of leads but the deliverance of good, qualified leads that allow you to close the sales process faster.

That said, the biggest fault has also fallen upon the shoulders of your marketing team.

“A salesman’s mistake may cost little. An advertiser’s mistake may cost a thousand times that much. Be more cautious, more exacting, therefore. A mediocre salesman may affect a small part of your trade. Mediocre advertising affects all of your trade.” ~ Claude Hopkins in Scientific Marketing

Marketing Professionals - New Marketing Funnel
Click For Larger Image

Today’s purchasing funnel is now 75% marketing and 25% sales, whereas even as recent as 15 years ago — circa 2002 — ‘sales’ was the dominant focus to drive business at 60% sales and 40% marketing.

Here is my Top-5 list for how we marketing professionals can help your business.

#1 – We Know Why People Make Decisions…

Trendsetters like Claude Hopkins or Simon Sinek know that when you market to the “emotional-why”, you are marketing directly to the part of the brain that makes a decision. This ‘direct response marketing’ methodology is used by 100% of today’s successful businesses such as Apple, Inc..

#2 – We Focus On The Perspective Of The Buyer…

There have been many times when I have seen marketing that is all about the features. Unfortunately, it is little about the benefit. You have the best widget or service, or you claim to have a low price, you may even claim to have all the right colours & all the right sizes — and within your message, it was forgotten that all the prospective buyer wants to know is how you will solve their problem or fix their need. Remember, benefits sell; features don’t!

#3 – We Deliver Better, More Qualified Leads…

The shorter the cycle, the faster you can grow. Good marketers deliver leads to your business. The ones that are qualified can then be given an offer from the sales team. Quite often businesses have their sales teams out there trying to market, but they do it like salespeople. Some will be successful, but the majority will falter. Today’s discerning customer has more direct access to your competition, and the bigger the impact, the deeper the relationship must be! Simply, driving better/more qualified leads to your sales team will bring in your profits faster.

#4 – Brand Continuity…

All us marketers say that consistency is important, but “why” is it important? Brand continuity affects what people think about your company. People are emotionally driven to buy and as such, an inconsistent brand will not drive confidence. The more consistent your messaging, the more consistent your branding — whether via words, design, offerings or perspective. That’s why it’s so important to develop standards for brand consistency in your business.

#5 – We Are Professionals At Showing Value…

Price is often pitched as value and just as often, they are not related. There are two aspects to the definition of value: ‘desired value’ and ‘perceived value’. Desired value refers to what customers desire in a product or service. Perceived value is the benefit that a customer believes he or she received from a product after it was purchased. One-hundred percent of all generated value is delivered by your marketing team before they even talk to a salesperson.

And there you have it.  If you found value in this post, please share it.

Are you looking for some quick insight and/or need some help? Phone calls are always free. Call Toll-Free throughout North America 1-888-502-3523

The Power Of Why Marketing Methodology

“People Don’t Buy What You Do, They Buy Why You Do It” ~ Simon Sinek — that’s the power of why!

The Power Of Why

My Inspiration For The Power Of Why

To understanding the Power Of Why, let’s talk about biology… yes “biology”. We are all inspired — at the top level — by our experiences. From there our feelings take over; and while we are always gathering information, that ‘information’ influences our feelings… which in turn influences our decision, and ultimately, we buy based on what we feel, not what we know.

The Power Of Why“When we are confronted with a decision, emotions from previous, related experiences affix values to the options we are considering. These emotions create preferences which lead to our decision.” ~ Peter Noel Murray Ph.D.

Read His Entire Article Here

So how does this tie into biology you ask?

When you look at the information and “decision-making regions” of the brain — top down, like the image above — the”Neo-Cortex” is the ‘WHAT’ ring, and the “Limbic Brain” (or “Allocortex” region) are the center two, ‘HOW’ & ‘WHY’ regions respectively. When we buy, our final decisions are most often attributed to the ‘why’. In other words,  does it make us feel good, or special, or sexy, or smart, or [whatever].

So more often than not, your marketing message must seek to tap into that Allocortex response region, eliciting an emotion, putting the buyer on a path to make a decision in your favor.

This is only century-old knowledge, and the ‘message delivering methodology’ within this knowledge is at the core of why DRM (Direct Response Marketing) works so well. In fact, one of the most successful companies in the world uses this methodology all the time. That company? Apple.

So, Gimme Some Examples Of DRM and The Power Of Why

Okay, we are just scratching the surface here, here are a few ‘slogans’… see if you can name the brand:

  • “Think Different” (we all want to be unique)
  • “Melts in your mouth but not in your hands!” (still true)
  • “Fly the friendly skies!” (well not so much anymore)
  • “Snickers really satisfies!” (okay that one is a give away)
Apple Think Different Logo
Copyright © Apple Inc.

Well, how’d you do? My guess is, most will — while maybe more in a sub-conscience way — easily relate to the emotional experience we have had with each brand. The first one, by the way, was Apple. “Think different.” was an advertising slogan for Apple, Inc. (then Apple Computer, Inc.) in 1997 created by the Los Angeles office of advertising agency TBWA\Chiat\Day. The slogan has been widely taken as a response to IBM’s slogan “Think”.

The Golden Circle — Explaining The Power Of Why

Simon Sinek codified this whole concept in the creation of “The Golden Circle”, and with 32.6+ million total views, you can be guaranteed that more than a few have been inspired. Here is that video:

I hope you left inspired today about “The Power Of Why”!

We would love to share and engage with you!

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