The Power Of Why Marketing Methodology

“People Don’t Buy What You Do, They Buy Why You Do It” ~ Simon Sinek — that’s the power of why!

The Power Of Why

My Inspiration For The Power Of Why

To understanding the Power Of Why, let’s talk about biology… yes “biology”. We are all inspired — at the top level — by our experiences. From there our feelings take over; and while we are always gathering information, that ‘information’ influences our feelings… which in turn influences our decision, and ultimately, we buy based on what we feel, not what we know.

The Power Of Why“When we are confronted with a decision, emotions from previous, related experiences affix values to the options we are considering. These emotions create preferences which lead to our decision.” ~ Peter Noel Murray Ph.D.

Read His Entire Article Here

So how does this tie into biology you ask?

When you look at the information and “decision-making regions” of the brain — top down, like the image above — the”Neo-Cortex” is the ‘WHAT’ ring, and the “Limbic Brain” (or “Allocortex” region) are the center two, ‘HOW’ & ‘WHY’ regions respectively. When we buy, our final decisions are most often attributed to the ‘why’. In other words,  does it make us feel good, or special, or sexy, or smart, or [whatever].

So more often than not, your marketing message must seek to tap into that Allocortex response region, eliciting an emotion, putting the buyer on a path to make a decision in your favor.

This is only century-old knowledge, and the ‘message delivering methodology’ within this knowledge is at the core of why DRM (Direct Response Marketing) works so well. In fact, one of the most successful companies in the world uses this methodology all the time. That company? Apple.

So, Gimme Some Examples Of DRM and The Power Of Why

Okay, we are just scratching the surface here, here are a few ‘slogans’… see if you can name the brand:

  • “Think Different” (we all want to be unique)
  • “Melts in your mouth but not in your hands!” (still true)
  • “Fly the friendly skies!” (well not so much anymore)
  • “Snickers really satisfies!” (okay that one is a give away)
Apple Think Different Logo
Copyright © Apple Inc.

Well, how’d you do? My guess is, most will — while maybe more in a sub-conscience way — easily relate to the emotional experience we have had with each brand. The first one, by the way, was Apple. “Think different.” was an advertising slogan for Apple, Inc. (then Apple Computer, Inc.) in 1997 created by the Los Angeles office of advertising agency TBWA\Chiat\Day. The slogan has been widely taken as a response to IBM’s slogan “Think”.

The Golden Circle — Explaining The Power Of Why

Simon Sinek codified this whole concept in the creation of “The Golden Circle”, and with 32.6+ million total views, you can be guaranteed that more than a few have been inspired. Here is that video:

I hope you left inspired today about “The Power Of Why”!

How To Increase Your Online Presence

Are you ready to get serious about your online presence?

Who Are You in Your Online Presence

Your Online Presence in Your Personal and Business Branding

Personal Branding and Your Online PresenceIn today’s online world, it is crucial to pay attention to your online presence and the many ways in which ‘a potential customer’ can discover more about you or your business.

As an example, if you are looking for a job, you need to be aware of your digital footprint — the information connected with your name online. This is two-fold however as if you are a business, you definitely want to come up in the SERP (search engine result pages) when someone needs your product or service.

Forbes Magazine says: “For most customers in the 21st Century, their first introduction to a business is by discovering the business online. That’s why each and every business needs to have a strong online presence.” ~ Full Article at

Microphone iconAnd while your personal and business presence may seem like distant cousins, they are more like brother and sister. Each has its own set of pros and cons, and you should examine — if not leverage — each of those.

Some of them are:

  • The topic(s) of your content
  • Your overriding branding and character of that brand
  • Your message frequency
  • Your public-facing follow through in online message boards/forums/help centres
  • The quality of your publically presented messages and images
  • … and more… (contact me to discuss further)

So how are you approaching your own online presence? Let’s dive a bit deeper…

Website Optimization, SEO, and Your Online Presence

Let’s face it, none of us really know for certain what are the algorithms of Google, Bing or other search engines. Google — the owner of the 2 biggest search engines: and — keeps a tight lid on the actual formula, but they do give hints as to what they are looking to achieve regarding their users’ experience.

According to MOZ: “A webpage doesn’t always look the same to you and me as it looks to a search engine.” ~ Full Article at

The Website Optimization Cycle Creating Online PresenceThat all said, optimizing your site for its message, its focus keyword & content friendliness, and its code, is a synergy that just cannot be ignored these days.

If you use a WordPress site (like I do),  I recommend the Yoast plugin. According to Wiki: “Yoast is currently considered the most comprehensive search engine optimization software available for WordPress users, with its developers responsible for over 10% of WordPress releases.”

FYI –  WordPress is reportedly the most popular website management or blogging system in use on the Web, supporting more than 60 million websites — that means that about 6million WordPress sites use Yoast.

Web Traffic lift in Online PresenceBeing Visible Online

Being visible and top-of-mind is a science all on its own. The online world is full of opportunities for promoting your business. If you desire to grow your client base, then being found, being visible, and connecting with prospects and clients online, is going to be very important for you.

To ensure you will be visible online, you will need to address the following elements:

Your Relevant Content: This goes for both Social Media and your website. Your website content should contain the words and phrases that clients would use to search for your type of business. Now no ‘keyword spamming’; the recommended keyword density is 2.5%.

The Quantity of Your Content: The more written content you have on your website the more there is for Google to find, rank and return in their results. A very effective way to add regular new content to your website is by publishing a blog.

Good Coding Practices and Meta-Tags: On the technical side, the coding that sits behind your website pages should include relevant page titles, descriptions and keyword tags.

Links: Quality links to and from your website are important to search engines because they can indicate relevance and popularity.

Your Social Media Online Presence

Social Media-LandscapeAh, Social Media, It is kind of hard to even think about being online without it anymore.

However, for your business, Social Media is an important part of your online presence. It improves your chances of generating additional connections and generating customer loyalty, allowing customers — and potential customers — the ability to easily engage beyond the sale.

Which is Better? Online vs. Print Advertising

Advert Spending By Media Type
Source: — As Projected for 2015 & 2016

“So, which is better, online or traditional advertising?”

A client recently asked me just that question.  The answer, however, is not as straightforward as you might think.  So in a twist of tradition, here is the ‘meat’ of my answer: “Advertising success depends on two factors:

  1. Who is the target?
  2. What are your goals?”

Let’s break down these two components…

Who is the advertising target?

Often overlooked, ‘knowing your target’ is a crucial piece of an effective sale conversion strategy.

“Everyone should want to buy my [widget/service]!”, a client told me once; and while potentially true, research shows that timing & relevance are a much bigger factor in making a buying decision. Crucial pieces of effective sale conversion strategy rely on saying the right message at the right time. As such, knowing your target and their buying cycles tends to lead to a significant lift in success when it comes to any advertising.

Demographics are a huge aspect of knowing your target

Today’s ability to track age, gender, location, how they saw your advert, how long they stayed, did they share it, etc., are at the core of the advantage of digital advertising. In fact, “Direct Response Marketing” techniques are heavily invested shopper data in an effort to ‘personalize’ the shopping experience for each individual.

Advertising GoalsWhat are your advertising goals?

Today’s goals seem different, but they’re not. In fact, the goals have not changed until the last 20 years. It is still all about the conversion of the audience or “target” — are you seeing the tie into the first advertising component above?

So, what did traditional advertising discover that digital ads still need to work on?

In short, ‘message effectiveness’. Tradition advertisers recognize that the timing at which their ads display — and the core of the offer — must be in alignment with the awareness level of the target. While simple messages like “free trial” and “try it now” are synonymous with today’s advertising, traditional adverts, traditional methodologies tend to focus on an awareness level that works off the brand awareness level — and consequentially, the true reason people buy — how the experience made them feel.

Today’s conclusion to this deep advertising question

I could probably write 10 more blogs on this subject and only scratch the surface, but the bottom line is, both types have their place. A wise marketing mentor taught me a lesson that I will never forget: “Never put all your eggs in one basket!”.

Message From The President — June 2017

This Month’s Topic: “What is the #1 plan to create content?”

President’s Message for June 2017

Make A Business Plan Life CycleI cannot remember ever being a fan of doing anything that does not have a clearly defined methodology and plan — it is just my nature.

It is my belief that without a plan, not only will your execution be scattered, so will your results.

This is not to say that I was not horrifyingly bad at writing content, I just did not understand how important the nuances of the plan are.

The plan to do something — anything — is a double-edged sword. You ultimately get driven by your successes and pushed down by your failures. This psychosis is a uniquely human paradigm as if an animal in nature hesitates or worries too much that its methodology is wrong, it goes hungry — at its core, survival is a matter of trial and error.

That said, the other side of that sword is, without the patience & due-diligence needed to create your overall plan, rushing through something without a plan can often be [its] undoing.

So why am I talking about animals, isn’t this blog post supposed to be about having a content plan? It is, however, I propose that the more we can be in tune with the natural instincts contained within our human DNA, the better we can define and identify the methodologies that work best for each individual.

As such, it is well known that successful people make lists and within the bigger picture — and truth of the matter — is these lists are mini-plans.

Planning works in many ways, accurately presented in this quote from

“Planning is one of the most important project management and time management techniques. Planning is preparing a sequence of action steps to achieve some specific goal. If you do it effectively, you can reduce much the necessary time and effort of achieving the goal. A plan is like a map.”

Okay, that’s nice, but what is the #1 way to create content?

Be the resource your customers really need!

8 Tips to help plan and make your copy easy to read:

  1. Use short paragraphs – four sentences max;
  2. Use short sentences – twelve words on average;
  3. Skip unnecessary words;
  4. Avoid professional jargon and use common/layman language;
  5. Avoid the passive tense
  6. Avoid needless repetition;
  7. Address your web visitors directly. Use the word “you”;
  8. Shorten your overall post-length — keep it 300 – 1000 words.

Here are a few links to get you started if you are stuck:

Content Marketing For DummiesGet this month’s free download: Content Marketing For Dummies” from Kudani.

PLEASE NOTE: In this book, take a look at the PICASSO content marketing framework created for use with KudaniCloud software. This share is not to sell you on KudaniCloud software.  I do not use KudaniCloud software and this share is not an endorsement of KudaniCloud software.

Words Matter — How A Single Word Makes All The Difference

Words That MatterYou likely know that specific words matter. You click on a headline because a single word strikes you.

What you may not know is, you click a call-to-action link or a signup button solely because a word creates relevance & emotion.

So really, how much do words matter?

The research behind this power of words is incredibly deep. Researchers have found that the word you use to describe a car accident (“contacted” vs. “smashed”) paints the way eyewitnesses view the event. Another study found that simple stock names that are easier to pronounce lead to quicker gains post-IPO.

Perhaps my favorite study is one shared by  Brian Clark of Copyblogger. Social psychologist Ellen Langer tested the power of a single word in an experiment where she asked to cut in line at a copy machine. She tried three different ways of asking:

“Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine?” – 60% said OK

“Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I’m in a rush?” – 94% said OK

“Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I have to make some copies?” – 93% said OK

Words MatterI don’t know about you, but I thought Langer’s third request was rather elementary. Yet it didn’t matter. The trigger word “because” was all she needed. 

The takeaway: As single words matter, when you want people to take action, always give a reason using an influential word or phrase! 

FREE DOWNLOAD: Get “The 12 Most Influential Words In The English Language” — put together to help you chose the right words for your marketing copy — proven and guaranteed to get you better results!

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